Monday's Myth: The more I do for myself, the better I'll feel about my infertility.
I had a hard time deciding exactly how to word this myth, but I think you get the gist of what I'm saying. We've all tried this; doing something special for ourselves when we are feeling bad about not getting pregnant or when we find out someone else is pregnant.
Now, don't get me wrong. I think it's okay and good and healthy to pamper yourself once in a while and even more important to take time doing things you enjoy. Writing is one of these for me, and so is a monthly book club with friends, and an occassional girls' night out, and going to the salon to get my hair done. There's absolutely nothing wrong with any of it.
The problem starts when we begin believing that we can heal our own pain by focusing more time and attention on our own self. Let me just share. This doesn't work. We might momentarily push the hurt to the back burner, but absorbing ourself in "me, me, me" will never make the pain go away. It just won't.
Don't despair, there actually is a way for true and real healing to take place. There is something that can put us firmly on the path of recovery. And that is ...... something I will share with you on Wednesday. Stay tuned!
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