Monday, August 8, 2011

I Am Not My Body

I found this video about an amazing woman that I wanted to share with you.  Although she is not struggling with infertility, she is dealing with a severe trial of her own, and I felt her story resonate with me.  I love the part where she says, "I am not my body."

All too often, we allow our physical appearance or limitations to define who we are.  When I was struggling through infertility, that infiltrated every part of me.  I believed I wasn't as good as women who could get pregnant.  That there was something intrinsically wrong with me that had caused this.

The logical part of my brain told me that this wasn't true, but it took a lot of time and healing for my heart and mind to believe it.  That's one of the reasons I love this video.  She has learned something that is definitely worth sharing:  I Am Not My Body.

She also talks about her new feelings about motherhood.  Again, my heart was touched.  I have often told people that I don't think I love my children any more than any other mother, but I do think that I appreciate them more because of the long and painful journey it took to get them here.

The video closes with one of my favorite scriptures, that I have written about before.  What a great story about someone who is choosing happiness in the face of living a life that she never planned on.​eature=player_detailpage&v=KHD​vxPjsm8E

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